Have you ever read a job description for digital marketing jobs and thought ‘is there anyone that can do all of those things?’
If the answer is ‘yes’ then you need to listen to what Gil David of Run DMG has to say on the subject.
This video was created as part of our interview series with marketing specialists across a wide range of disciplines.
BlueSky Thinking Video Series
In a nod to our partners on this project, BlueSky Video Marketing, this video is part of the BlueSky Thinking series where we give our contributors an opportunity to have a rant about something that really winds them up.
Could be work related – could be something that just gets on their nerves from their everyday lives.
If you’d like to stay up to date with the latest videos in the BlueSky Thinking series then head on over to The Future of Marketing YouTube Channel.
Now here’s that video about why job descriptions for digital marketing jobs really get on Gil’s nerves:
Digital Marketing Jobs
Next up….
There’s more to come in the BlueSky Thinking video series:
7th March 2021: Ryan Clarke talks to us about Influencers (and how annoyed he gets by some of their antics).
14th March 2021: Paudie Fearon of Wibble (a WordPress website development agency) lets off some steam about people selling services that they shouldn’t be selling.
You can set reminders for when both of these videos go live on The Future of Marketing YouTube Channel at the links below:
Set reminder for Ryan Clarke’s Influencers video
Set reminder for Paudie Fearon’s video
(Of course, if you’re reading this after the publication dates of 7th and 14th March 2021 you can watch them right now at the links above).
Over the next few weeks we’ll have some more content for you in the BlueSky Thinking video series so subscribe to The Future of Marketing on YouTube to make sure you find out first when these go live.
Gil talks Facebook & Instagram Ads
After he got the unicorn job descriptions off his chest, Gil spoke to us at length about his experience running ad campaigns on Facebook and Instagram.
You can check out his video by having a look on the courses page of this site.
It’s worth a watch if you want to know more about how to set up Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns for success.
About the author:
Peter Craven is the Founder of The Future of Marketing and Bluesky Video Marketing.
He established BlueSky Video Marketing in June 2017 having spent 20 years in global marketing roles.
Peter is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, a volunteer with Young Enterprise Northern Ireland, an avid Manchester United fan (it’s been a tough few years) and a man who stubbornly refuses to accept that he’s rubbish at golf and keeps trying anyway.